Other products


Security seals, industrial labels: Household appliances, audio&video devices, IT, electronics, logistic labels

Specialty labels are characterised by longer lifetime and durability compared to standard labels. Hence the need to use special substrates and adhesives. Due to much longer lifetime and growing demands, our substrates are selected individually on the basis of the type of product and specification requirements.


Durability, longer lifetime, unique substrate construction and type of adhesive are the main properties of every specialty label. Our offer is prepared on the basis of customer's requirements and backed by research studies and recommendations of manufacturers of specialty substrates.


The available substrates have been tested in laboratories to ensurethat all requirements are met. We issue test certificates and allow access to specifications. We always make sure that our products are of top quality.


Logistic labels for component identification and for identification of items produced by the following industries:

booklets are used across all industries as labels

  • electronic devices,
  • household appliances / audio&video devices,

  • automotive industry.

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Sales Specialist

office: + 48 71 373 75 79 ext. 63
mobile: + 48 664 914 139
e-mail: m.krupa@comex.net.pl
Sales Specialist

office: + 48 71 373 75 79 ext. 49
mobile: + 48 880 578 855
e-mail: m.gacek@comex.net.pl
Sales Specialist

office: + 48 71 373 75 79 ext. 53
mobile: + 48 728 992 911
e-mail: j.slonecka@comex.net.pl
Sales Specialist

office: + 48 71 373 75 79 ext. 47
mobile: + 48 692 452 095
e-mail: l.borowiec@comex.net.pl
Sales Specialist

office: + 48 71 373 75 79 ext. 56
mobile: + 48 662 275 309
e-mail: a.pioro@comex.net.pl
Sales Specialist

office: + 48 71 373 75 79 ext. 46
mobile: + 48 692 476 694
e-mail: p.felinski@comex.net.pl
RFID Director

mobile: + 48 604 150 779
e-mail: j.borowski@comex.net.pl


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